

This counselor is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the United States of America. This counselor's license allows the counselor to provide counseling in the state of Missouri to Missouri residents.

If you live in the United States of America and live in a different state, that state's laws may prevent this counselor from providing counseling for you. Due to each state's laws being different this counselor is only accepting clients in the United States who reside in the state of Missouri. If the client lives in a different state, they will need to check with their state’s laws to determine if this counselor can provide them counseling and inform this counselor.

The USA does not regulate USA counselors practicing TeleHealth with people residing abroad, this regulation is up to each individual country. If the client lives in another country than the USA, the client will refer to their local laws to determine if seeing this counselor is allowed by their laws.

Due to the pandemic many of these laws regarding telehealth are constantly changing.

Professional Relationship

The client-counselor relationship is a professional and therapeutic relationship. In order to preserve this relationship, it is imperative that the counselor not have any other type of relationship with the client. Personal and/or business relationships undermine the effectiveness of the therapeutic relationship. Gifts, bartering, and trading services are not appropriate and should not be shared between the client and the counselor.

Counseling Risks and Benefits

Counseling is a change process designed to help the client develop specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based goals to improve the client's life. The counseling process can also often bring up negative feelings and thoughts. Often individuals going through counseling feel worse before they feel better or recount a feeling of taking a step or two forward only to feel that they they then fall a step or two backwards.

The success of counseling depends upon the quality of the efforts of both the counselor and the client. The counselor wants to see the client benefit from the encounter and the client is still responsible for implementing the lifestyle choices/changes that may cause the positive changes. As the therapeutic relationship progresses the client may feel that the goals of his/her counseling have changed and should communicate this with the counselor.

Confidentiality/Duty to Warn

Sessions between the counselor and the client are strictly confidential. Any notes or recordings taken by the counselor during counseling shall be kept confidential and secure by the counselor at all times. The counselor shall not disclose these to anyone without any prior written consent by the client unless mandated by law, with exception to certain limitations (often referred to as Mandated Reporting or Duty to Warn) such as:

1. Abuse to a child, disabled, elderly, other people;

2. Criminal Acts;

3. Sexual Abuse;

4. Acts which may involve the transmission of HIV/AIDS;

5. Any other instance where the counselor has a duty or he or she has a firm belief that there is a necessity to disclose.

988 Suicide Crisis Lifeline

Crisis Situations

The client understands that the service provided through TeleHealth is not intended for crisis situations and/or urgent needs. In a crisis situation, the client agrees to call local emergency services, or visit the nearest emergency room. The client understands that a Safety Plan may be initiated by the counselor at any point during the therapeutic process to ensure the client's safety.

Termination of Counseling

Counseling can take weeks, months, or years depending upon the client's needs. Communication is key when discussing termination of counseling services and every effort will always be made to ensure that the counselor-client relationship remains a safe space.

In some instances, the counselor may determine that the client may benefit more from another counselor for any number of reasons. The counselor will talk to the client prior to referring them to another counselor in this platform’s network.

Additionally, the client may determine that another counselor is needed for any number of reasons and has the option to discontinue counseling with this counselor and pursue other options.

If this counselor doesn't hear from the client at all with no prior notice for 30 days, the counseling is terminated for this counselor's professional protection.

Contact Information

Phone: 314-390-9006

Email: Jennifer@counselorcampbell.com

Copyright 2023 Worldwide
